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How to Deal with the "Black Screen" Occurred on LED Electronic Display Screen by LED Display Screen Manufacturers

How to deal with "black screen" on LED electronic display screens?
In today's increasingly advanced technology, the LED electronic display screen industry is also developing rapidly. Many people believe that the LED electronic display screen industry will also undergo a rapid reshuffle based on the degree of technological progress. If any display screen manufacturer mismanages its operations or fails to handle its technology properly, the problems it faces will not be solved, which is fatal to the development of the enterprise. Many people often encounter problems in their daily lives when using LED electronic displays, such as the black screen problem of LED electronic displays. So, how should we determine whether the LED electronic display screen is black, and if so, how should we handle it? After reading the following five points, you will naturally understand.
(1) Please ensure that all hardware, including the control system, is properly powered on. Attention: A voltage of+5V is required, and the power supply should not be reversed or connected incorrectly.
(2) Check and repeatedly confirm if the serial port cable used to connect the controller is loose or detached. LED electronic display screen manufacturers suggest that if it turns black during the loading process, it is likely due to this reason, that is, the communication line is interrupted due to looseness during the communication process, resulting in the screen turning black. Don't think that if the display screen doesn't move, the wires won't loosen. To quickly solve the problem, you need to check it yourself.
(3) Check and confirm that the connection between the LED electronic display screen and the hub distributor connected to the main control card is tight and reversed.
(4) Please check and confirm that the 50 core wire connecting the control card and the hub distribution board is loose or inserted in reverse.
(5) If your LED electronic display interface definition does not match the provided HUB board, black screen phenomenon may also occur. Please recheck your jumper for looseness, open circuit, or short circuit. If you believe that the ABCD and other signals have been matched one by one, please double check if the OE signal is correctly connected. Kind reminder: LED electronic display screen manufacturers strongly recommend that you use HUB distribution boards that match the interface definition of the display screen.
If you have mastered the above methods, then when you encounter a black LED electronic display screen again, you can quickly solve the problem.
