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A Brief Discussion on LED Display Screen Manufacturers on the Points to Pay Attention to when Installing LED Display Screens

What should LED display screen manufacturers pay attention to when installing LED display screens?
Nowadays, the use of LED displays is becoming increasingly widespread. I believe that most people only pay attention to its price when purchasing this product and overlook some other important knowledge. For example, there are many things to pay attention to when installing LED displays. Perhaps everyone is not yet aware of these, let's briefly introduce them below, hoping to be helpful to you.
Although it is said that LED display screens are operated by professional personnel during installation, these people often overlook some minor issues. In fact, when installing an LED display screen, in addition to checking whether the connected cables are correct, it is also necessary to check whether the computer software is fully installed. These issues may be completely unknown to less professional consumers, but for installers, if these issues are ignored, it will affect the service quality of LED displays. So as a manufacturer, we remind everyone to strictly follow the operating steps in the user manual when installing. And its power supply must meet the requirements. For example, the power supply voltage of an LED display screen is approximately 220V+10% frequency, and then safely contact the ground to check if it is reliable; Is the isolation between the ground wire and the neutral wire reliable. And its temperature should also be appropriate, generally speaking, the working environment temperature is between minus 20 degrees Celsius and 80 degrees Celsius. These are all precautions to pay attention to when installing. If you were not familiar with them before, you should read them carefully now, and in the future, you will also know how to solve such problems.
After understanding the precautions to be taken when installing LED displays, let's take a look at some other knowledge points. In fact, LED display screens are similar to other items and inevitably encounter various problems during use. When using a full color LED display screen, the heat dissipation design of the LED display screen may cause some heating during operation. If the temperature is too high, it will affect the speed attenuation and stability of the LED. Therefore, the good or bad heat dissipation design of the PCB board will affect the display performance of the LED. And its power level is 20 milliamperes. Here, we suggest that everyone should not exceed 80% of the standard current when using the current, especially for large screen displays with very small dot spacing, as heat dissipation is not very high, measures should be taken to reduce the current value. These are some things to pay attention to when using it. Only by paying more attention can its mission life be extended. If you have any knowledge points that you are not familiar with, you can always consult us. No matter what problem it is, it will help you solve it.
The above article content is an introduction to some precautions when installing LED display screens, as well as a few issues to pay attention to when using them. If you have time, you can take a closer look to avoid these problems in the future. Friends who want to learn more can follow our website, and you can also contact us!
