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Analysis of two commonly used scanning methods for transparent LED screens

Analysis of two commonly used scanning methods for transparent LED screens
There are two common driving methods for LED transparent screens: static scanning and dynamic scanning. Static scanning is divided into static real pixels and static virtual, while dynamic scanning is also divided into dynamic real images and dynamic virtual. Let's take a look:
1、 Classification of LED transparent screen scanning methods:
Scanning method: Within a certain display area, the ratio of the number of lit rows to the number of rows in the entire area is simultaneously illuminated.
1. Dynamic scanning: Dynamic scanning is a point to column control from the driver IC output to pixel points. Dynamic scanning requires a control circuit, which is lower in cost than static scanning, but has poor display and significant brightness loss;
2. Static scanning: Static scanning is a point-to-point control from the driver IC output to pixel points. Static scanning does not require a control circuit, and the cost is higher than dynamic scanning, but the display effect is good, the stability is good, and the brightness loss is small.
2、 Divided by environment
Indoor single and dual color scanning is generally 1/16 scanning;
Indoor full color is generally 1/8 scan;
Outdoor single and dual color is generally 1/4 scanning;
Outdoor full color is usually static scanning.
Improved transparent LED display with Iclear display effect.
3、 Divided by model.
1. Indoor LED transparent screen scanning method: P3.9 is constant current 1/16, P7.8 is constant current 1/8, and P10.4 is constant current 1/6.
2. Outdoor LED transparent screen (LED curtain wall screen, outdoor rental transparent screen) scanning method: P10.4 is constant current 1/2, P13.8. P16.6 is static.
3. LED transparent screen 1/8 and 1/16 scanning modes:
1/8 scan: Under the same other conditions, a 1/8 scan display screen has only half the brightness of a 1/4 scan display screen, making it suitable for semi outdoor and indoor use. The control mode has increased from one quarter of the LED to eight LEDs. The current is scanned between eight LEDs.
1/16 scanning: This is a low brightness driving method that is generally only used indoors. Their control method is also the same.
