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Discussion on the Application of LED Display Screen in Subway Stations by LED Display Screen Manufacturer Century Jiacai

Discussion on the Application of LED Display Screen in Subway Stations by LED Display Screen Manufacturer Century Jiacai
With the development of urban transportation information, subway transportation is becoming more and more convenient. People's daily lives are unconsciously attracted by subway advertisements. When people take the subway, they are more likely to see subway advertisements. Generally, subway advertisements are placed on the left and right sides of the corridor or distributed around the subway. Its main forms include twelve lightboxes, four channel posters, special position lightboxes, escalators Posters inside the carriage and LED advertising screens in the tunnel section, as a special advertising carrier for modern transportation, use the advantages of concentrated subway traffic and high visibility to increase brand awareness and retain the fast-paced urban residents to stop and watch.
As we all know, subway stations have a unique geographical location, unique spatial structure, and a dark environment, with high requirements for display equipment. If the advertising light emitted is too bright, the impact on attracting passengers' attention will be greater. So in order to bring visual enjoyment to people in such an environment, while also considering the safety hazards of displaying too bright light, it is necessary to choose the correct display solution.
1. The subway LED display screen is installed in multiple places such as subway channels and workshop tunnel walls, used to display the train operation interval, direction, and current station name, with Chinese and English compatibility display.
2. The subway LED display screen can display other service information according to operational needs, and the text display can be selected with various effects such as rest, scroll, pan, waterfall, animation, etc.
3. The subway LED display screen has excellent positioning, high pedestrian flow, high-definition image quality, and wide viewing angle, attracting the attention of many passengers. It has played a good advertising communication effect for brand promotion and is an important way to obtain advertising revenue.
The LED display screens in subway stations are colorful and lifelike, not only used for public welfare promotion, tourism promotion, and advertising videos, but also to diversify the forms of dissemination and dissemination. LED display screens not only form unique and complementary advertising spaces at the entrance and exit of subway stations, but more importantly, the golden position of ultra-high pedestrian flow brings maximum advertising benefits to customers, and the entire LED large screen has bright colors, The visuals are smooth and majestic, making people unforgettable.
Whether it is advertising promotion or information broadcast, as a professional supplier of LED display screens, the LED display screens launched can show subway stations extremely interesting, beautiful, warm and moving, presenting innocent images in front of people, adding a warm experience, and deepening people's different impressions of the subway, driving the economic development of subway transportation.
