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LED display screen manufacturers | What are the functions of LED display screens

LED display screen manufacturers | What are the functions of LED display screens
1、 It can be used for brand, product, store, enterprise, and other promotional purposes to attract customer attention and have a more impressive effect than regular advertising.
2、 Commonly seen in store decoration, building beautification, park design, shopping malls, amusement parks, and some home decoration designs, it can reflect the owner's extraordinary taste and excellent design.
3、 It can be used for indoor, outdoor, and underwater lighting design, with a unique and eye-catching effect.
4、 It can be used for government, schools, finance, docks, enterprises, amusement parks, etc., knowledge popularization, technical guidance, etc.
5、 It can also be used for recruitment announcements, store promotions, corporate announcements, etc., and is not subject to weather and night restrictions.
6、 For better atmosphere enhancement, the display screen can play welcoming speeches and videos for superiors and distinguished guests to visit and guide, as well as celebration speeches and videos for various major festivals. The display screen can also be used to express their lifelong love for the elderly and the feeling of being a matchmaker (in simple terms, it is an unexpected and ingenious advertisement).
7、 It can also be used for hazard warning, commonly used for road traffic LED navigation indicators, construction sites, etc.
LED display screens have various uses, and they are truly something that only you can't imagine and cannot touch without them. At present, LED display screens are widely applicable in the industry and are not limited by weather conditions, and can even be used normally in harsh environments of ± 40 degrees Celsius. Super strong products that contribute value to customers.
