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How to maintain LED transparent display screens

How to maintain LED transparent display screens
LED transparent display screens are already commonplace in our daily lives, as excellent display effects are becoming more and more widely used in commercial applications. Today, we will talk about how to maintain LED transparent display screens without any problems. Take notes after moving the stool!
1. Maintain voltage and current stability. Sudden changes in voltage and current have a significant impact on the LED transparent display screen. Although it can still be used normally, it will affect its service life. Therefore, we should try to maintain voltage and current stability and avoid using high-power appliances. If you want to use it, you can temporarily suspend the use of the LED transparent display screen.
2. Do not use it in strong thunderstorm weather. In strong thunderstorm weather, the air is humid and carries charged charges, which can affect the LED transparent display screen to some extent. If it is an outdoor LED transparent display screen, attention should be paid to lightning protection. Of course, responsible manufacturers will do a good job of grounding during construction.
3. The usage environment should be dry and dry. Although the LED transparent display screen beads have certain waterproof capabilities, in principle, they should still be kept away from water sources, dust, and metal substances, otherwise it will affect the normal use of the LED transparent display screen and may also have safety hazards! Maintain a dry, dry, and clean usage environment.
4. Keep it clean and try not to have too much dust. Although LED transparent displays have low power and low heat generation, excessive dust can still affect heat dissipation. Overheating the screen body can be detrimental to the interior of LED transparent displays and affect their service life. Furthermore, LED transparent displays are generally used in commercial places. If customers discover a lot of dust, it can also have an impact on brand image! Another reminder is that when cleaning the LED transparent display screen, it is necessary to cut off the power before proceeding!
5. Do not use it continuously for a long time. In principle, LED transparent displays can be used for a long time. However, if the usage environment is poor, such as humidity, high temperature, or excessive dust, it can affect the service life. Therefore, it is recommended to rest LED transparent displays for at least 1-2 hours per day, especially when used in poor environments, and the rest time should be appropriately extended.
6. Do not disassemble at will. The internal structure of the LED transparent display screen is complex and there are many circuits. If the wrong wires are connected, the screen body may be burned. If there is a malfunction, please contact the manufacturer in a timely manner. It is not recommended to disassemble or splice unilaterally! Additionally, if there are issues, it would be troublesome if the manufacturer does not provide a warranty.
7. Adjust the brightness appropriately. The LED transparent display screen is a full color LED display screen that can display a full range of colors. The brightness varies between day and night. We can make some adjustments to save power and extend the lifespan of the lamp beads!
It should be noted that no matter what problems occur, do not make decisions and handle them without authorization. Be sure to ask the manufacturer's technical personnel to handle them! There are many details that need to be paid attention to in daily use of LED transparent displays, which requires us to be cautious and try to use them in a good environment.
